Book editing services

Every project I touch draws on my 20-year publishing career as an acquisitions editor and executive editor at major houses and as editor of multiple USA Today and New York Times Bestselling authors. Let’s work together! Write me for a quote today. 

Book editing services


Do you have a strong idea but need help bringing it to life on the page? Maybe you’re a researcher, clinician, or spiritual teacher with valuable insights or a powerful message but not sure how to put it into words—or perhaps you’re up against a looming book deadline. Whatever your collaboration needs are, I offer ghostwriting services to help you complete your book in a timely, professional manner. I am a compassionate, intuitive, and skilled ghostwriter and I’d love to hear about your project.


If you’re ready to pitch your book to agents or publishers, I can help you develop a standout book proposal. Whether you have an interested agent or are still in the idea phase, I’ll work with you to create a compelling proposal, from the table of contents to sample chapters.


If you have a draft and need to elevate it—whether to attract a literary agent or prepare it for publication—I can help. Developmental editing is a deep dive into your manuscript. Together, we’ll transform your book over several editing rounds to prepare it for its next stage. My focus areas include self-help, personal growth, narrative nonfiction, memoir, commercial fiction, and book club fiction. I respect your vision, and my role is to help refine your book and make it resonate with readers. During a developmental book edit, I’ll take a close look at:

  • Pacing

  • Tone and POV

  • Content development

  • Structure and cohesion

  • Argument/analysis (for nonfiction)

  • Plot (for fiction)

  • Character development (for fiction and memoir)

  • Setting (for fiction and memoir)

  • Commercial viability 


You may be asking: “I want to write a book, but where do I start?” Or “How to write a book and get it published?” Based on my twenty-year editorial career, I can give you advice on the publishing process and guide you in your next steps no matter where you are in your journey. Our work together may include:

  • Manuscript assessment

  • Advice on next steps

  • Market, genre, and competitive landscape analysis

  • Agent query letter editing/writing


Do you need help getting started or finishing your book? Whatever your goal is, we can arrange a coaching plan to meet it. We will meet over the course of weeks or months to work on manuscript draft completion or any other aspect of your editorial journey in which you could use a helpful, encouraging partner to keep you on track. Your personalized editorial coaching plan may include:

  • Creating or revising your outline

  • Coaching phone or Zoom calls

  • Manuscript feedback as you write

Pink pen and petite flowers rest on an open page of a notebook, book editing and publishing consulting
past projects
let’s work together